Download Pilot Welcomes 10000 Fans to First UK Festival Since Pandemic

Slowly but surely live shows are coming back as the world starts to open up after year-long pandemic lockdown.

In the U.K., researchers have been studying how to put on events while negating the spread of the COVID-19 virus, steadily growing the amount of people allowed to attend these events.

They’ve also been asked to take a PCR test prior to the event and another after to gather further evidence for researchers concerning the guidelines for festival going and camping.

So here we are, three and a half weeks later, in the rain and happy to be in the rain.” Other news reports showed festival goers smiling and posing in ponchos while speaking of the thrill of being able to see live music again.

So yeah, it’s been a long time coming.” “Live shows are kind of the lifeblood of what we do,” added Neck Deep’s Ben Barlow.

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