Dignity Gold Secures Gold Backing for New Digital Security Known as DIGau

NEW YORK, April 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Dignity Gold, LLC, is pleased to announce that it has secured a pledge of gold for the gold based digital token of its wholly owned subsidiary, Dignity Corp.

The token, now to be known as “DIGau”, will be backed by a minimum of $6 billion in gold reserves pledged to Dignity Gold under deeds of trust and a pledge and security agreement.

The gold that has been pledged to Dignity Gold, a portion of which is being provided to Dignity Corp., is represented by reserves at several gold and precious metals mines in the United States.

In conjunction with the deeds of trust and pledge and security agreement, Dignity Gold has also entered into a forward purchase agreement for extracted gold from these properties.

Dignity Corp.

Dignity Gold has been working for over a year to complete the regulatory compliance process including providing and confirming the appropriate backing for a gold backed digital token.

Tritaurian is the first non-ATS broker-dealer to be approved for a license to sell digital private placement securities using distributed ledger technology, otherwise known as blockchain technology.

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