Delta-8 THC Now Reported by LightLab 3 Cannabis Analyzer

NEW LONDON, N.H., April 29, 2021 /CNW/ — Orange Photonics is pleased to announce that the LightLab 3 Cannabis Analyzer now reports Delta-8 THC , an increasingly popular cannabinoid found in hemp-derived cannabis products.

LightLab 3 users can now monitor Delta-8 THC levels in cannabis products alongside the 11 other cannabinoids LightLab reports, offering a clear picture of the cannabinoid profile for a particular product.

Despite LightLab 3’s significantly lower cost and simpler operation, we are pleased to be able to measure Delta-8 THC on the platform.” explains Orange Photonics CTO, Dylan Wilks.

Orange Photonics’ analytical instrumentation serves the needs of the cannabis industry, counting cultivators, extractors, departments of agriculture, law enforcement, universities, testing laboratories and regulators among its customers.

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