Delaware cannabis company wants to help introduce entrepreneurs to the business

“I think people are very excited,” said Rachel Kipp.

“What we’ve found in working in other states is that, it’s one thing to create a license category and set aside licenses , but what’s really needed is a lot of training, education, experience, so that those businesses can be successful.” said Peter Murphy of American Fiber.

On May 27th, 2021, Murphy and the others on the team will begin introducing hopeful entrepreneurs to the ins-and-outs of all of Delaware’s regulatory details in an effort to put them on better footing as they establish themselves.

The decision to help these foundling companies was an easy decision from a lot of angles, he said.

And then there’s also a moral imperative, he noted.

“This comes from a personal perspective, but also from a company values perspective…There are many white males like myself who have entered this industry and are growing and trying to be successful at something that, not too long ago and even in some places right now, you can go to jail for,” he said.

“Really demystify a lot of this,” he said.

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