Deadly avian flu wipes out West Kootenay poultry flock – Castlegar News

Peggy Ife poses with George, one of her prized birds, in happier times.

“We saw a bird here and a bird there, about five or six,” she said.

Avian influenza or ‘bird flu,’ is a contagious and lethal virus that can make birds sick or die.

“My wild bird feeders were all empty for a few weeks, so I decided to be nice, and fill them to feed the wild birds.

That’s where the biggest concern lies – the lower Fraser Valley is home to the province’s chicken industry.

“During an outbreak of avian influenza in poultry, the risk to the general public is very low,” says the CFIA.

But if you have a run, make sure you have no bird feeders, and if you feed yours outside, make sure they clean it up before the wild birds come in.

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