Danish Wind Turbine Maker Vestas Tops List of 100 Most Sustainable Companies

The company’s compatriot and one of the world’s largest offshore wind farm developers Ørsted, took seventh place this year, down from last year’s second.

“Launched in 2020, the strategy has established sustainability performance as a core priority across the entire value chain, including across its supplier network.

As the energy transition accelerates, Vestas is dedicated to making sure this transformation unfolds sustainably, in close collaboration with our partners,” said Henrik Andersen, CEO, and President, Vestas.

Although we still have a long journey ahead, we are proud to be paving the way for renewables to expand without compromising the interests of future generations”, said Lisa Ekstrand, Vice President and Head of Sustainability, Vestas.

“We are rapidly moving towards a future where leading sustainability performers like Vestas will drive more viable returns than their global corporate peers.

“Carbon offsetting means that companies invest in environmental projects around the world to balance out their own carbon footprints.

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