Daily horoscope for May 12, 2021

There’s a flurry of energy early this morning as the intuitive Moon spins through the last few degrees of stubborn Taurus, and while she’s there she will square off against Jupiter, creating a bit of a bang when we’re least expecting it.

People will be bringing lots of interesting information your way today, and you’d be wise to listen up, because this information has the ability to impact you for a long time to come.

You don’t have to make the entire climb all at once, but this is the perfect time to start planning your ascent, taking stock of all the things you’ll need in order to reach that lofty place you want to be.

Use this gift of forward momentum to look beyond your usual reality and search out new vistas — ones that have the ability to inspire new ideas that really light a fire inside of you.

Things could feel a little heavy today in a way that makes you feel like you’re missing something obvious, or like you have to mentally translate every word coming out of other people’s mouths, even if you’re speaking the same language.

There’s a sociable energy in the air for you today, but it isn’t so much about light-hearted hangouts or quick chats.

You don’t have to jump from one extreme to another, or change overnight, rather, take small steps to get to a place that’s more in-sync with the world.

Instead of holding yourself up to high expectations, you can be a little bit messy, a little bit wild, and a little bit loud, just for the fun of it.

Think about ways in which you can work smarter, not harder, and get the results you need to feel like you’re on top of as many aspects of your life as possible.

Make a point to empathize with everyone you come into contact with; something that seems like banter to you could easily push the buttons of someone else, and you don’t want to offend anyone.

There’s a lot coming your way today, and while you’ll be able to handle it all with a calm and collected approach, you might find life feels a bit like a game of Whack-a-Mole in the process.

Even if you’ve got a million things on your to-do list, it looks as though you won’t be terribly interested in checking off any of them — not when there are a million more exciting things for you to focus on.

You are getting ready to enter a major period of change and manifestation very soon, but it isn’t here just yet, and before it arrives, it would be best to make a point to detox some negativity in your life.

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