Cool NFT investing: New Zealand startup removes carbon – LendIt Fintech News – Lend Academy

In response, Coinbase is creating competition after made $10 billion in a couple of months last fall alone.

Meanwhile, Matt Damon is on TV daring American football fans to be brave by betting on bitcoin on

In response, meet Islands of Cool, a blockchain-based carbon removal project out of New Zealand that wants to make carbon offsets cool.

“I’m not a greeny; I’m not a hippie.

Still, she hopes combining the two will push carbon capture from an expensive, early technology into a developed regular part of investing.

She became increasingly worried about the future of the planet, and she ran into trouble.

Twenty percent of the proceeds on each sale go directly to partner firms worldwide that capture carbon.

The idea to make web3 more energy efficient is not an old one after news stories rang out that the popular cryptocurrencies Ethereum and Bitcoin use a ton of electricity to approve transactions and mine new coins.

Bitcoin is worse, using enough energy to run a house for 77 days.

“And of course, when you start looking at NFTs, one of the other big players is Solana, so we’re based on the Solana blockchain,” Bats said.

Unlike Eth and Bitcoin, Solana found a single transaction to ‘cost’ less than two Google searches, at 1,837J of energy.

In 2021, fund managers like BlackRock Chairman Larry Fink took notice, announcing a dramatic shift toward sustainability.

In the case of Islands of Cool, the firm will invest the proceeds of the first island directly in companies that turn harvest leftovers into charcoal and capture excess gas.

Black earth, or Terra Preta, has been used to revamp farms in the Amazon Basin for more than 2,500 years.

Even using the byproduct of making charcoal as an energy source is an old idea.

“First of all, we decided on going to integrate blockchain is because we wanted it to be collectible,” Bats said.

Experienced in news writing, digital media production for online and print publications, newspapers, and magazines, as well as copy editing and press release revisions.

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