Congressman Files New Marijuana Banking Reform Amendment To Large-Scale House Bill …

Ed Perlmutter Banking Act, has expressed interest in finding another vehicle to pursue his proposal after it was stripped from a separate defense bill late last year.

It remains to be seen whether the America COMPETES Act will serve as a more effective vehicle for the cannabis banking bill than the National Defense Authorization Act , where the language was successfully attached on the House side but later removed amid bicameral negotiations.

The new SAFE Banking Act amendment will still need to be made in order by the House Rules Committee in order to be formally be considered on the House floor when the body takes up the research and innovation package.

This comes about two weeks after the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol submitted a final round of signatures for the measure.

If they do not pass the measure, organizers can then collect an additional 132,887 valid signatures from registered voters to place the issue on the ballot in November.

The measure that lawmakers will be required to consider would legalize possession of up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis for adults 21 and older, and they could also have up to 15 grams of marijuana concentrates.

Individual municipalities would be able to opt out of allowing new recreational cannabis companies from opening in their area, but they could not block existing medical marijuana firms even if they want to add co-located adult-use operations.

With respect to social equity, some advocate are concerned about the lack of specific language on automatic expungements to clear the records of people with convictions for offenses that would be made legal under the legislation.

The events, the first of which was held on Wednesday, will feature experts in academia, research, production and private industry, according to a press release.

USDA is asking questions about plans for outdoor hemp production, acreage for operations, primary and secondary uses for the crop and what kinds of prices producers are able to bring in.

That survey is being completed in partnership with National Association of State Departments of Agriculture and the University of Kentucky.

There’s still much to learn about the burgeoning market, even as USDA continues to approve state regulatory plans for the crop.

While USDA’s final rule for hemp took effect on March 22, 2021, the agency is evidently still interested in gathering information to further inform its regulatory approach going forward.

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