Congressional Gold Medal vote for US Capitol police officers passes; 21 Republicans vote no

The number of House Republicans voting against the bill nearly doubled since the first time a version of the bill came to the House floor, as the vote when the bill first passed the House in March was 413-12.

“There are pending cases or trials right now, indictments against people, and I think if we called it an insurrection, it could have a bearing on their case,” he said.

Pressed again, he said, “They were protesting and I don’t approve of the way they protested, but it wasn’t an insurrection.

Republican Rep.

“How you can vote no to this is beyond me,” Kinzinger tweeted after the vote.

Paul Gosar, who, in addition to voting no on the legislation, had referred to the shooting of Capitol rioter Ashli Babbitt as an execution earlier Tuesday.

It is disgusting and despicable to see Gosar lie about that day and smear the men and women who defended us,” tweeted Cheney, who was ousted from GOP leadership last month after she repeatedly rejected Trump’s election lies.

In February, the Senate unanimously voted to award a Congressional Gold Medal to Officer Eugene Goodman, who singlehandedly led a mob of insurrectionists away from the Senate chamber minutes before the chamber doors were sealed with senators still inside.

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