Congressional cannabis vote scheduled for next week (Newsletter: March 25, 2022)

London, England’s mayor ordered police to enact stricter controls on searches based on the odor of cannabis following outrage over the case of a teenage girl who was strip-searched by officers who said they smelled marijuana.

Previously he reported for and MassRoots, and handled media relations and campaigns for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and Students for Sensible Drug Policy.

is being sued by its former chief operating officer, who alleges he ended up with a sizable tax bill after the company retroactively reclassified stock options he exercised.

A poll of Maryland voters found that 66 percent are more likely to support marijuana legalization if it includes relief for past convictions; 65 percent are more likely to back it if the reform stops police from using the odor of cannabis as probable cause for a search and 61 percent are more likely to be on board with legislation if marijuana can’t be used to deny housing or child custody or negatively impact parole or probation status.

adults found that 33 percent have tried a product with CBD in it, 20 percent have consumed THC-infused foods and 15 percent have tried THC drinks.

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