CCA sows seeds of a green campus

In the wake of the nationwide lockdown last year, when life came to a grinding halt, members of the CCA family planted a green initiative.

While members of the staff worked on the college premises, the students grew plants at home, using plastic bottles, paper cups and empty cartons, which were all transferred or replanted in the college campus once the lockdown restrictions were eased.

As we started sharing images of saplings and plants on online groups last year, more and more students grew interested in becoming a part of this.

Dwelling on the resourceful use of waste material in the programme, Bagga shares, “There was a lot of scrap lying the workshop, out of which we erected a trellis for the vines to grow on.

And I had long dreamt of a green campus, overflowing with plants and trees.” Sagar, who is currently a visiting faculty at the college, adds.

The faculty started gardening at college, we students, on the other hand, did our bit by growing small planters at home, which were later transferred to the college after the end of the lockdown.

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