Cannabis Lounges For National City

In a first for San Diego County, the National City City Council passed a cannabis ordinance that includes the approval of three cannabis lounges.

The average positive testing rate continues to drop — the latest is a rolling 14-day average of 1.3%, a record for this year.

The news came despite a report released last month that said the pier was quote “at the end of its service life.” But city councilmember Jen Campbell says city engineers have since determined that repairs can be done to make it possible to reopen most of the pier.

Those changes could include, replacing diesel trucks and equipment with electric models, putting in rooftop solar panels or installing air filters at nearby schools or day care centers.

To date there are no other cities in the county who have allowed lounges where customers can smoke or ingest marijuana on site.

Alejandra Sotelo-Solis, National City Mayor“That they are also vested in our community that they’re not just absentee or business people.”In regards to the cash cannabis is expected to bring to the city…..Solis says, profit wasn’t the primary goal of the ordinance, but says it could be in the millions when compared to neighboring cities who have raked in money from cannabis.Alejandra Sotelo-Solis, National City Mayor“We’re moving in a forward direction, and if we have to take a step back, we will.”The application process for a commercial cannabis business license in National City is expected to open up in the next 30 days.

Therapists call it ‘reentry anxiety.’“What we’re collectively experiencing is the same feeling that we have for like the first day of school at a new place”That was UC Merced psychologist Jennifer HowellAbout half of Americans say they’re worried about in-person social interactions.

california’s independent system operator, which oversees the state’s electrical grid, says there’s cause for optimism that we can get through the summer without rolling blackouts.

And about two thousand megawatts of that is going to be battery storage, which is going to be able to re-inject power into the grid after sunset, which is the time of the day we got into trouble last year.” The iso issued five flex alerts, calling on users to conserve, last summer.

00:07:54 – 00:08:04 “That exchange of energy between the ocean and the atmosphere is a very prominent driving force in the way that our climate responds to different environmental signals.” 00:03:59 – 00:04:08 “Scripps Oceanography has a long history of research around the idea of ocean waves and the atmosphere interacting.” U-C San Diego engineer Drew Lucas worked with Stokes to refine an algorithm that explains mathematically how the system works.

You can also watch KPBS Evening Edition at 5 O’clock on KPBS Television, and as always you can find more San Diego news online at KPBS dot org.

Hosted by Anica Colbert and produced by KPBS, San Diego and the Imperial County’s NPR and PBS station.

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