Cannabis banking sponsor vows to ‘get that darn thing passed’ (Newsletter: January 18 …

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Rep. Kansas’s House-passed medical cannabis bill has encountered a major hurdle as the Senate president rerouted it to a committee he controls and cancelled hearings that were scheduled for this week in a separate panel.

Costa Rican President President Carlos Alvarado is being asked by another presidential candidate not to veto medical cannabis and hemp legislation.

Previously he reported for and MassRoots, and handled media relations and campaigns for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and Students for Sensible Drug Policy.

National Institute on Drug Abuse Director Nora Volkow—at an event hosted by prohibitionist group Smart Approaches to Marijuana and sponsored by D.A.R.E.—reaffirmed that teen cannabis use is “stable” even as more states are enacting legalization.

BREAKING: Journalism is often consumed for free, but costs money to produce! While this newsletter is proudly sent without cost to you, our ability to send it each day depends on the financial support of readers who can afford to give it. A group led by a former Arkansas House minority leader and funded by medical cannabis companies filed a new ballot initiative to legalize marijuana in the state.

A counterclaim by Curaleaf against a former executive for Grassroots Cannabis, which was acquired by the former company, is being allowed to proceed under an Illinois judge’s ruling.

Amazon’s vice president of public policy said the company has “no plans to sell cannabis and that is not why we’re doing this or being involved in this debate” about legalization.

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