Cannabis banking cleared for House vote (again) (Newsletter: February 2, 2022) – Marijuana Moment

Former Massachusetts cannabis regulator Shaleen Title warns in a new Marijuana Moment op-ed about a looming monopolization threat in the industry and argues that enforcement of antitrust laws can help protect consumers, workers and small businesses.
A federal judge denied a request for an emergency order in an armored car company’s lawsuit seeking to block the San Bernardino, California sheriff’s office and federal officials from seizing money being transported from marijuana businesses.
Your good deed for the day: donate to an independent publisher like Marijuana Moment and ensure that as many voters as possible have access to the most in-depth cannabis reporting out there. Council approved a bill to let senior citizens get access to medical marijuana without needing to get a doctor’s recommendation and to declare a cannabis tax holiday during the week of 4/20.
Since being enacted one year ago this week, Oregon’s voter-approved drug decriminalization law has already dramatically reduced arrests and provided funding for more than 16,000 people to access harm reduction services.
The National Football League awarded $1 million in funding to support research on the efficacy of marijuana and its components in managing football players’ pain and providing neuroprotection from concussions.

Previously he reported for and MassRoots, and handled media relations and campaigns for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and Students for Sensible Drug Policy.

We’re planning our reporting for the coming year and it would really help to know what kind of support we can count on.

A poll found that London, England adults support the mayor’s plan to replace some cannabis arrests with education and counseling for young people, 63 percent to 19 percent.

National Institute on Drug Abuse Director Nora Volkow—at an event hosted by prohibitionist group Smart Approaches to Marijuana and sponsored by D.A.R.E.—reaffirmed that teen cannabis use is “stable” even as more states are enacting legalization.

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A counterclaim by Curaleaf against a former executive for Grassroots Cannabis, which was acquired by the former company, is being allowed to proceed under an Illinois judge’s ruling.

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