Can a Cannabis Crowdgrowing Movement Challenge the Canadian “Green Rush”? – NullTX

As far as warning flags go, a surprising source has been raising many of them that others in the industry should take note of.

A high percentage of people asked both online and within Government available data suggest that the quality of legally available weed is not up to standard in comparison with the blackmarket.

This is not to place blame on those cultivators and sellors who are doing their best among unsupportive legislation, high taxes and harsh rules for distribution and advertising.

From failing GMP standards and benchmarks to tens of thousands of products being recalled due to being contaminated from yeast, mold or bacteria.

The medicinal sector is by far the most advanced with an agreed framework for standards and an infrastructure for distribution.

While researching I came across several successful ‘Cannabiz’ methods but one that garnered most attention was the ‘Crowdgrowing’ model.

They then receive a share of the profits once the projects or the harvests are completed and the cultivators and extractors have sold their produce.

Partnering agreements rather than simple acquisition has led to JuicyField’s operations to cover more than 150,000 sqm of land with minimal expense to the company.

A bold statement to be sure, but with their ever increasing number of users and e-growers and the content produced to keep in touch with their community it would be hard not to be enthusiastic regarding this stated growth.

A flood of licenses issued by the government has opened the doors for entrepreneurs, cultivators and patients and yet, left them without quality standards, regulations and audit control.

All of them were very much aware that someone or some product that was equal or better was waiting on the sidelines for the chance to take their slice of the market.

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