California leaving: State population declines for first time


Census Bureau that California would lose a congressional seat for the first time because it grew more slowly than other states over the past decade.

In recent years, more people have left California for other states than have moved there, a trend Republicans say is a result of the state’s high taxes and progressive politics.

People are leaving our state because it’s not affordable to live here,” tweeted Kevin Faulconer, the former mayor of San Diego and one of the Republican candidates hoping to unseat Democratic Gov.

California has been steadily losing people to other states for years.

In a normal year, California might have between 140,000 and 150,000 people move in from other countries.

Births continued their steady decline, mirroring a national trend.

The deaths were more pronounced in the state’s most populated cities, including Los Angeles, which saw a 27% increase over its three-year average.

But he said the underlying issues causing that slow growth will remain, including a housing shortage that is driving prices to an all time high.

The state’s four most populated cities — LA, San Diego, San Jose and San Francisco — lost a combined 88,000 people in 2020.

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