California Cannabis Owner Virgil Grant on Cat Parker (Dept. of Cannabis) Resigning | EURweb

Cat stepping down is not going to fix all of the problems. Everybody else in that department needs to go as well.

The department had the opportunity to set precedence in the world and definitely in the United States to be the leader of the cannabis industry as we boasted when we first started because it was true.

Once she sat in that seat, and we started seeing all the moving pieces, it didn’t take long to figure out that she wasn’t qualified for that seat or position.

About Virgil Grant The Los Angeles Times designates Virgil Grant as “the de facto leader of the cannabis industry.” MG Magazine hails him as “the King of Los Angeles.” For more than two decades, Mr. Grant has been a pioneer of the legal cannabis industry as a medical cannabis dispensary owner, cultivator, manufacturer, and civic advocate.

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