California bets its egg and pork markets will attract the compliant | Food Safety News

Today Proposition 12, passed by voters on Nov.

Further, the law prohibits a business owner or operator from knowingly engaging in sales within California of shell eggs, liquid eggs, whole veal, or pork meat from animals housed in a non-compliant manner.

Warnings have since gone out to anyone who operates a restaurant or is a vendor for prepared food.

In California, purchasing eggs and pork are about 76,200 restaurants, 20,000 grocery stores, and 450 food processing facilities.

That recent CDFA report says Prop 12 housing requirements “are not based in specific peer-reviewed published scientific literature or accepted as standards within the scientific community to reduce human food-borne illness, promote worker safety, the environment, or other human or safety concerns.

Egg prices are likely to be an issue in California, but supply should not be a significant problem.

Rabobank, the food and agriculture financial services company, reports that California consumes 255 million pounds of pork a month but on its own, the state itself only produces 45 million pounds of pork.

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