C2C Gold a Founding Member of New Newfoundland.Gold Strategic Marketing Alliance; Virtual …

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 30, 2021 announces the Company is one of the Founding Members of the new strategic marketing group, Newfoundland.Gold, an alliance of Newfoundland-focused precious metals companies collectively committed to bringing awareness to an exciting emerging gold district.

This online event will include corporate presentations from member companies, moderated by industry thought-leaders and will feature keynote speakers daily.

Mining is one of Newfoundland and Labrador’s largest and oldest industries, and a major contributor to the economy of the province.

Newfoundland.Gold is a member of a collective marketing alliance, NLMines.com, focused on bringing awareness to the collective exploration and mining industry in Canada’s Newfoundland & Labrador.

Companies working on active gold projects within this belt and the broader Exploits Subzone have noted the similarity in geological setting and character with both the Abitibi greenstone belts in Ontario and Quebec, Canada and the Bendigo-Fosterville gold deposits in Australia.

and those contributing to the growing resource at Marathon Gold Corp’s Valentine Deposit have raised the status of the area to that of a premier gold exploration jurisdiction.

The Company holds the Badger, Millertown, and Barrens Lake projects, which cumulatively cover an area of more than 1,150 km² with road access and proximity to communities and power lines.

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