Buying Packers ‘stock’ is the best scam in sports

Alternatively, you could just lie about it and tell people you part own an NFL team, because you’re pretty much getting the same thing out of it.

So, what does that $300 get you? What can you expect as a part owner of one of the proudest teams in NFL history? Nothing at all! It doesn’t matter if NFL profits soar, or if the Packers become the most valuable sports franchise in the world — the team is very quick to tell you that you won’t make anything.

Get it? Dig a little further in and they make it clear that you can’t sell, trade, or transfer your stock to anyone — except an immediate family member in the event of a death.

Surely you must get some really sweet deals for being a shareholder, right? Hell no you don’t! Do you think this is some sort of utopian co-op? That’s commie trash.

You DO however get the right to vote on who makes up the board, from a pre-approved list of people sent to shareholders.

Well, it sure as shit shouldn’t, because there are 501,000 shares currently owned, with another 300,000 being made in this offering.

If you decide voting and keeping up with the Packers is just too much, you can always just ignore their messages and not vote.

The new float will raise $90 million for the Packers, with plans to make further renovations to the stadium.

As for ticket prices, surely raising all this money multiple times in team history was a brilliant way to pay it forward.

The only investment I can think of worse than spending $300 on a share of the Packers, is spending $250 on this vintage 1992 Flowbee, which was a vacuum that cuts your hair.

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