Busy Spring Season On The Green

Manager of Country Meadows on Indian Mountain Leanne Richardson says with the pandemic members are thrilled be getting out again, “The members have said that it is great to be back because this is all they could do last summer.

Richardson says they got an earlier start this season because of the weather, “It does get very busy usually when we first open, because people are anxious to get going, but also because there aren’t as many golf courses open, so we do deal with some bigger crowds.

All of the tee times have to be booked online or over the phone because of the pandemic, and there are other little reminders for those heading out onto the course, “We have to advise people for example, not to take the flags out, because they are a high touch point because everyone is using them.

She adds, they’ve also seen quite a few new people taking up the sport, “Last year, there were quite a few new people.

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