A tax originally intended to curb teen tobacco use may be stretched to include vapes used to smoke marijuana — angering cannabis retailers who believe the measure was pitched and passed with an explicit exemption for weed.
The marijuana industry did not have a significant presence in the multiple, hours-long discussions council held in 2019 when contemplating the tax, because at no point was pot part of the conversation.
“For the eight smoking accessory and tobacco retailers that have been correctly paying the ESD tax since July 2020 through March 2021,” they wrote, “total gross sales have increased 18%.
“Every time I want to stay in bed and not do anything, I think about how he’s already taken 10 lives and I get up.
At first, just 1 person was answering all the calls to the state for rent/mortgage help.
Shay launched Boulder Beat in 2019, with a desire to slow news down and dive deep into the issues that impact the community.