“In the last 20 years or so, the assumption was that decriminalisation would come first, then legalisation would be the next step.
All three parties campaigned around reforming cannabis laws, calling for regulation of the sale and consumption of the drug and ending Germany’s criminal prohibition.
A large number of possession cases are dropped when they revolve around “a small amount” of cannabis, a distinction that can range from 6 to 15 grams depending on the state.
Still, according to Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office, cannabis accounted for 77% of registered drug offences in 2020.
Though it’s arguable the prohibition of cannabis consumption reflects the nation’s values, it’s failed to stop its use.
If Germany takes the legalisation route, which would likely entail the regulated sale of cannabis in specialised shops, significant tax revenues could also be on the horizon.
“We believe the discussion, at least the way it’s been carried out, trivialises .
Legalising cannabis can solve all the problems created by the prohibition, but it can’t solve every problem with cannabis itself,” he said.
Weeks of continued negotiations will determine if Germany will follow Canada and Uruguay in fully legalising the purchase, sale, and consumption of marijuana.
This would fit right in, and make us trailblazers in the global context,” said Wurth.