Bitcoin is the future of currency if government, banks understand and regulate it: Experts

To understand the future of cryptocurrency in India, Moneycontrol’s M Sriram and Chandra R Srikanth hosted another episode of Crypto and India—The Road Ahead on Twitter Spaces.

Gaurav Dahake: There was no clear stance on crypto, many countries didn’t know what was allowed, what was not allowed, if mining was allowed, if trading was allowed.

Dahake: China has taken a stance around Bitcoin mining per say, one of the reasons is environmental.

Akshay BD: When you push out a bunch of miners from China, they will immediately relocate to other parts of the world.

Akshay BD: You are getting both sides of the spectrum.

Rishi Anand: Educate the government.

Banks are not cooperating now because they are not very sure of how the transaction is taking place within the country.

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