Bitcoin hit $1trn market cap faster than Apple, Amazon and Google

Apple needed 42 years to hit the milestone, meaning bitcoin got there 3.5 times faster than the iPhone maker.

Many market watchers bristle at comparisons between bitcoin’s value and private company market caps.

The market value of all bitcoin in circulation hit $1trn for the first time earlier this year, according to data website CoinMarketCap.

Seven insurance company impairments were identified in the U.S.

The BlackNorth Initiative is proud to announce a $1 million donation from Fairfax Financial.

The European Medicines Agency said it expected to issue a recommendation on Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine next week but that it continued to believe the benefits of the shot outweighed the risks of side effects.

While GameStop’s fiscal 2020 year ended at the end of January with almost $509 million in cash and equivalents in the bank, earlier this month it increased the size of a share offering to 3.5 million shares at market prices.

As I stood in the shower with the water running down my freshly shaved legs, it finally hit me: if there was ever a time to stop worrying about removing my body hair, the wintertime in the middle of the pandemic might be it.

Chief Executive Officer Frank Gad says: “Two foreign investors have shown us the confidence that they want to acquire shares in SP Group to an amount of EUR 21 million which we are happy about.

The royal family have slowly been sharing their tributes and favourite memories following the death of Prince Philip on 9 April.

After a highly successful IPO, shares of Bumble Inc have fallen 24% from their highs.

Madoff was serving a 150-year prison sentence in a North Carolina federal facility for orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history.

That probably means it’s time to stop using the same old moisturizer and try a new product that hydrates your skin and gives you that dewy glow you’ve always dreamed of.

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