Bitcoin Dispute Gives Insight Into English Court’s Approach – Technology – UK – Mondaq

regaining control of its bitcoin. deployment of a software patch.

number of factual issues are in dispute those are yet to be determined. court’s jurisdiction to hear the dispute.

tried. will be protected in this jurisdiction .

“It is uncontroversial that a fundamental feature of the Networks… loyalty owed to other users…

incrementally, by analogy with the existing categories. responsibility on the part of the defendants. defendants to found a duty of care.

defendants to make changes to how their networks work was an incremental extension of the law.

to address bugs and defects arising in the operation of the system.
locations, and possibly by obtaining insurance.

incorporation, in the Seychelles. determine where the assets were located.

there was a good argument that the damage was suffered here.
this case could be said to be sustained anywhere but England. damage was suffered within the jurisdiction.

witness and documents were in England. closer link to the dispute. appropriate forum for trial.

comments on appropriate forum and the gateways for jurisdiction.
policy are matters for the Law Commission and Parliament. area, even when the actors are geographically widespread.

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