Bitcoin Coming to Bank Near You Thanks to NYDIG and FIS

Bitcoin is ready to take another big step forward in its quest toward widespread acceptance and use.

The head of bank solutions at NYDIG, Patrick Sells, has announced that hundreds of banks have already signed up for the program.

Up until this point, new bitcoin traders were forced to rely on apps and find third-party payment solutions.

banks have now changed their tune and adopted an “if you can’t beat em, join em” mentality.

With smaller banks jumping on board, industry giants like Bank of America could face pressure from their customers to follow a similar path and introduce cryptocurrency.

Even companies like JPMorgan, whose CEO Jamie Dimon called bitcoin a “dangerous fraud” in 2017, are exploring crypto options.

Stellantis , the automotive giant formed by the merger of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and PSA, the parent company of Peugeot, reported that its revenue and total vehicle shipments grew in the first quarter of 2021 despite the impact of an ongoing global shortage of semiconductors.

Volkswagen boss Herbert Diess said Europe’s top carmaker was in “crisis mode” over an ongoing lack of badly needed automotive chips, adding the impact of the shortage would intensify and hit profits in the second quarter.

“They have no intrinsic value.”Bailey has long been dismissive of the assets, and his comments follow yet another period of speculative excesses for a market Nouriel Roubini once described as the “mother of all bubbles.”While in the past, trillions of dollars in stimulus by governments and central banks might have triggered a rush into gold for the inflation-wary and risky stocks for the intrepid, a deluge of cash this time round is flooding into the crypto market.

If you’re an investor who is otherwise familiar with trading strategies involving futures and options, you may have wondered whether futures trading applies to cryptocurrency too.

The Swiss bank has a claim on the business through financing provided by Greensill Capital and repackaged into its funds.The working capital facility would allow Gupta’s steel businesses to increase production and take advantage of record steel prices, the person said, asking not to be identified because the matter is private.The loan would be a potential lifeline for Gupta’s GFG Alliance, which is fighting for survival after the collapse of its biggest lender Greensill Capital.

TOKYO -Japan’s Nintendo Co Ltd on Thursday forecast annual Switch console sales to fall 11.5%, in what would be the first decline for the five-year-old device after riding a pandemic-induced boom in home gaming.

Shark Tank investor Kevin O’Leary may agree with billionaire investor Warren Buffett, and his right-hand man, Charlie Munger, on a number of things.

The Bank of England’s decision on Thursday to slow the pace of its bond-buying makes it the second central bank from a G7 economy to begin the slow exit from pandemic-era money-printing stimulus schemes.

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