Bitcoin 2022: Welcome To The Revolution

In the time since last year’s Bitcoin 2021 we’ve seen the world change in so many ways that, if we were to list them here, I’m confident we could give Gladstein or Breedlove a run for their money on the length of the read alone.

Arriving in Miami International Airport and seeing the adverts for all things Bitcoin around .

There was no red carpet greeting high-net-worth individuals, no paparazzi — precisely how it should be.

I’m sure this doesn’t sound like much to those who were most interested in the festivities, but let me tell you, the 24 to 36 hours prior to the starting gun are the most important.

The Bitcoin 2022 Industry Day provided an opportunity for companies to not only arrive and get established for their presence for the following days of chaos and unbridled energy, but also allowed for a few speakers to get words in with their colleagues.

Also known as the “Macroeconomic Landscape” panel, one piece of on-stage content included industry favorites Mark Moss, Preston Pysh and the Jeffs – Jeff Booth and Jeff Ross.

By admitting the likelihood that Congress could really “mess this up,” Lummis broke the surface tension around the topic by not suggesting that the U.S.

Where the Four Horsemen of Macro supercharged the space by discussing why the bleakness of the near-future is of pale comparison to the radical improvements set for the decades to follow, Peterson provided a sense of calm, taking the opposite side of the same coin.

With the charisma of a rebel leader and the energy that seems only comparable to the Energizer bunny, it is quite near impossible to contemplate just how this guy accomplishes what he does.

In the grand scheme of things, this is arguably better than a direct partnership with something like Apple at this current juncture.

The conference this year was a success for a multitude of reasons.

I am very confident that, should the community choose to do so, an event could be thrown similar in concept to a Woodstock — not being located in a downtown urban environment — and it would be a success.

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