Bill Clinton Net Worth: Think About It – Trending News Buzz

Even though some people consider Bill Clinton to be a tarnished president because of his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, the guy has built a name for himself in the world of business and politics.

The president of the United States now receives a salary of $400,000 per year, which does not include a $50,000 expense account for travel and other expenses .

His political aspirations, which he attributes in part to his maternal grandmother, were reinforced in July 1963, when Clinton met and shook hands with President John F.

In 1968, he was a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford and gained a deferral from the draught for the first year of his studies.

He then applied to the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program at the University of Arkansas School of Law to prolong the deferment.

From Yale University’s law school, Clinton went on to teach at Arkansas’ university law school until 1976, when he left to become the first president of the United States.

Clinton was millions of dollars in debt when he departed the White House in 2001, owing to legal bills incurred as a result of his impeachment defense and settlements related to sexual assault.

His revenues came through public appearances and book sales, with the rights to his memoir fetching him a whopping $15 million for the rights.

She worked as a special reporter for NBC News in 2011 and is currently a senior advisor to the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative, where she plays an important role.

In the course of the Paula Jones trial, Clinton was questioned about his relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, a claim that was later shown to be a fabrication.

Clinton was impeached after hours and hours of discussion over allegations that she lied under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructed justice.

The former governor of Arkansas is estimated to be worth a whopping $75.9 million, with the majority of his fortune amassed after leaving office.

In spite of the fact that the former president admitted to MSNBC in 2018 that he had departed the White House with a $16 million debt due to legal bills, he appears to be laughing all the way to the bank right now.

While Forbes reports that the Clintons have amassed over $240 million in wealth over the previous 15 years, former President Bill Clinton has also made significant contributions to the country.

The website informs visitors that they think that everyone has the right to a better life and that they have been striving to achieve this goal for more than two decades, according to their slogan.

According to Forbes, Bill Clinton’s net fortune is derived primarily from speaking engagements, with the remainder coming from writing, consulting, and advising billionaires following closely behind .

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