Banana market in China not dire despite news reports

For a long time, bananas from this province were available in the market in large volumes between May and July each year.

Due to the cracked skin as a result of the cold weather, prices plummeted, and there have even cases where no one wanted to buy the products when they were marketed at 0.2 yuan.

For a prolonged period of time, consumption power has been insufficient, the market has been sluggish, distribution has slowed down, and there are often cases where wholesale prices are lower than farm-gate prices.

Therefore, Golden bananas marketed at 5 yuan per kilo are flying off the shelves, while inferior cold-damaged bananas are marketed at low prices.

At the beginning of this year, a cold snap visited China around New Year’s Day, and some production areas were severely affected, which led to declined fruit quality in the later period.

As of now, there are still more than 400,000 mu of about 1 million tons waiting to be marketed, which has a great impact on the bananas currently on the market.

With an increasing number of Chinese companies planting bananas in Southeast Asia, the product has been marketed to all corners of China, accounting for nearly 30% of the total market volume.

Lastly, the market window that used to be dominated by bananas from Guangdong is now shared with products from South East Asia.

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