Ask Doctor Leigh: Can cannabis affect male fertility? | GreenState

Editor’s Note: The answer to this question is meant to supplement, not replace, advice, diagnoses, and treatment from a healthcare provider.

A: Unfortunately, the answers are not so clear cut and there have been conflicting studies on this topic.

Here the participants from a fertility clinic who admitted to smoking cannabis appeared to have a higher concentration of sperm when compared to participants that reported never using cannabis.

Aside from concentration and total sperm count, there might be some concerns also with sperm motility, an important factor in male fertility.

They reviewed about 48 previously published studies looking at a variety of factors that affect male fertility.

That means have a frank discussion with your doctor, and if you are a man of reproductive age and you and your partner are trying to have a baby, try to cut back and or stop using cannabis during this time.

She is a member of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians and a graduate of the inaugural class, with the first Master of Science in the country in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.

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