First used in 2009, Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that has grown in popularity to the tune of about 5.8 million unique users by 2018.
Unlike the use of the clean hydropower in Massena, the Greenidge Generation LLC center be using a plant converted from coal to natural gas with all of the power now being used by the Bitcoin operation.
This could be a nightmare for the New York State climate targets as Upstate currently has 30 mothballed coal and methane power plants which could be used for similar purposes.
If they purchase a power plant , they have no incentive to meet CLCPA targets and purchase renewable energy since they will be able to use their fossil fuel plant for their low-cost energy needs.
As we are near the end of the legislative session, I would suggest to Governor Cuomo to use the same playbook as Governor Patterson did back in 2010.
Born too late to join in on the first wave of organized environmental action in the 60’s, I’m making up for lost time as I get nearer to retirement on various environmental concerns including the plastic waste crisis.
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