Anthony Green

Many people can feel a sharp sense of self-consciousness, as if by sharing how they’re suffering is unduly adding to a loved one’s own emotional baggage.

It wasn’t until he met another psychiatrist who suggested that he may instead have bipolar disorder, a disease that causes manic highs and relentless lows, that he began to understand his own needs.

Green suffered through a 3-month long major depressive episode during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time when many others were coming face-to-face with emotional and mental trauma in isolation.

He struggled with admitting to friends and loved ones that he was indeed suffering, and that he would need their compassion to help him survive.

“It was an honor to be involved in this and talk about being bipolar and how it affects my life and work,” he told Billboard about the series.

It’s a message meant to reach every person who has felt like they couldn’t share the burden of mental illness; it’s a weight that wasn’t meant to be carried alone.

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