Analysis-COP26 Message to Enterprises: Clean Up to Monetization – Texas News Today

The deal, announced late Saturday, ends two weeks of fierce negotiations between nearly 200 countries and urges countries to do more to curb carbon emissions from climate change.

Two separate investment conferences on the side of the United Nations Climate Summit advertised the benefits that should be made for those who meet environmental requirements for cash.

The agreement reaffirms its global efforts to contain global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius , and along with “accelerating this important decade of action,” the board of directors said in all sectors, especially transportation.

In addition to the pressure, financial services companies with assets of about $ 130 trillion have promised to align their businesses with the Net Zero goal.

Many companies in the sector, including transportation, have already made big bets on increasing electrification, including US automakers Ford and General Motors saying they will phase out fossil fuel vehicles by 2040.

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