An Intersection Of Bitcoin And Health

A story of looking into the proverbial and physical mirror, acknowledging that reality is not what was desired and accepting the responsibility and accountability that is necessary to produce a life that an individual is proud to find themselves in.

I have added anecdotal information that was also provided via phone interview, as well as a few insights of my own.

have been left out to protect her family — but her “nym” that she goes by on Twitter will be provided later on in the article.

“I would say yes, I’ve always liked to challenge myself.

This is a series of hurdles that every one of us often find ourselves up against when we are staring face-to-face into a mirror of a reality that is found lacking according to our dreams and aspirations.

Viewing a healthy meal as “dieting” tends to be immediately met with psychological resistance built upon the mentality of preferring to eat something that is more “tasty.” I have scare quotes around this because in reality most of the food choices that we find to be delicious, that are also not healthy, is due to a significant amount of sodium and sugar contained within the foods we would prefer to be consuming — maybe even craving.

It’s so strange if you think about it, using code … a network, to inspire success in your life.

“I think it’s important to note that I had additional motivating factors that fueled my journey, like the fact COVID wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon and a doctor’s appointment that was embarrassing for me to attend.

Now, I wouldn’t be acting responsibly with my exercise science background if I didn’t add a caveat to our discussion here: this is not a claim that anybody will also experience such fantastic and rapid results.

But it isn’t just physical health; mental health is also a major benefactor of both of these disciplines, as some of the most common mistakes investors make are around psychological states of fear, anxiety and confusion, or dealing with biases like sunk costs.

I hope that Humble’s story helps inspire you to make an improvement in your life.

If you agree, I ask that you check out the Declaration of Monetary Independence, and if this document strikes you as it did myself and many other members of the Bitcoin community, then I empower you to sign it … as Humble and I have done.

…Read the full story