Albie Manzo Defends Mom Caroline Manzo for Writing Letter in Support of Brother-in-Law Thomas

“This is why I respect my mother so much.

“Put yourself in my mother’s shoes,” Albie asked.

The hitman in question, alleged Lucchese crime family soldier John Perna, pleaded guilty to the assault back in December.

“My mother wrote a letter based on the character of my uncle as we know him,” Albie explained, on his podcast.

This isn’t about ‘Who in the family are you more loyal to.’ This is a right and wrong situation,” Albie said.

“If for some reason this whole thing plays out and the facts suggest differently, we will be the most shocked of everybody.

“Ohhhh shocking… going to speak about it on his podcast for the downloads,” Dina commented, according to screenshots of the conversation obtained by a fan.

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