After Green Homes Grant failure, Government ‘dodges’ recommendations on energy-efficient homes

Published today , the response letter states that many of the concerns raised by the EAC, trade bodies and green groups will be addressed in the forthcoming Heat and Buildings Strategy.

While the letter expresses agreement with several of the concerns raised by the EPC, including worries of an unjust transition, in which businesses, homes and other energy users do not fairly share the costs and benefits of the net-zero transition, there is little in the way of adopting the EAC’s specific recommendations.

Notably, the letter does not contain an updated cost estimate on retrofitting the UK’s entire housing stock, as requested by the EAC over concerns that current estimates may be too low.

The majority of the Scheme’s £2bn funding pot was withdrawn earlier this year and the scheme was then closed at short notice in March, in a move that proved almost universally unpopular across the green economy.

MPs on the Committee have received admissions that BEIS did not consult stakeholders such as material suppliers, service providers, local authorities and trade bodies before rolling out the scheme.

“At best, it is a holding response for the hotly awaited Heat and Buildings Strategy.

Now that Parliament has resumed after local elections, the new Strategy should be introduced in the coming weeks.

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