Advisory Committee Members Named For NM Cannabis Control Division

SANTA FE—The Cannabis Control Division of the Regulation and Licensing Department on Friday announced the members of the Cannabis Regulatory Advisory Committee, a diverse group of stakeholders from around the state who will help ensure that the adult-use cannabis regulatory process continues to meet the needs of all New Mexicans.

“I am excited to work with this outstanding and diverse advisory committee to make sure that real people, from all walks of life and all parts of the state, have a strong, clear voice as the adult-use cannabis industry starts up in New Mexico,” said Regulation and Licensing Department Superintendent Linda Trujillo, who oversees the Cannabis Control Division.

The Advisory Committee, which was established in the Cannabis Regulation Act that passed earlier this year, is charged with advising CCD on the development of rules covering best practices, the promotion of economic and cultural diversity in licensing and employment opportunities, and protection of public health and safety, among other subjects.

“The naming of the members of the committee today is perfect timing and ensures that this thoughtful, public group will be able to review every rule that the Cannabis Control Division puts forward.

Simultaneous with announcing the committee’s membership, public notice has been given for a Special Meeting of the Cannabis Regulatory Advisory Committee at 9 a.m.

The Cannabis Regulation Act, signed by the governor earlier this year, legalizes the sale of adult-use cannabis in New Mexico and established the Cannabis Control Division to oversee and regulate the industry.

Retail sales of adult-use cannabis in New Mexico are to begin no later than April 1, 2022.

The New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department, which houses the Cannabis Control Division, regulates more than 500,000 individuals and businesses in 35 industries, professions, and trades across the state.

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