Actress Mercedes C. Young Grows Successful Cannabis Business – Black Enterprise

While writing a book, acting in roles, and producing, she started a cannabis company, Earth’s Dew, during the pandemic.

Both THC and CBD are known to kill cancer cells, relieve pain, regulate and prevent diabetes, reduce seizures, help with sleep, mend broken bones, alleviate anxiety, and so much more.

I wasn’t working because the world was shut down, so I prayed to God and asked Him to help me come up with an idea for a business.

Unlike other businesses, this is still a relatively new and heavily regulated industry, so I didn’t have a mentor nor the blueprint of how to navigate in this space.

The only time that I have to be stationary is when I’m at elementary schools or youth programs reading the books to the children, which is one of my favorite things to do! A calendar, set parameters, and discipline are key to successfully not allowing things to fall by the wayside.

Everything from the looks that I get when I attend cannabis conferences to being asked if I’m in the right place, all the way to not being able to get distribution deals in the dispensaries.

It’s OK to sacrifice one year of your life to create a better 50 years where you and your seeds can reap the harvest of your labor.

ABOUT BLACK ENTERPRISE is the premier business, investing, and wealth-building resource for African Americans.

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