A fond and fearless goodbye to ‘Bosch’

In the seventh and final season of Amazon Prime TV’s hit series Bosch, the Hollywood homicide division is being shut down.

Called away from a holiday date, Bosch goes to the scene and sees the body of a 10-year-old girl, dead of smoke inhalation at the foot of a locked exit door.

Fans know that the deaths of innocents are the ones Bosch just can’t let go.

The murdered child gets tagged in media as “the little tamale girl,” but Bosch isn’t having it.

Edgar believed Avril, a former secret police member in Haiti, executed Edgar’s uncle there and two detectives in L.A.

Avril was armed when Edgar shot him, but Jerry knows he sought out Avril meaning to kill him, and it’s haunting him.

She’s learning a lot working with Chandler on the case of a scammer named Victor Franzen .

When she files complaints, men above her in rank turn on her, instead of going after the cops whom she knows are attacking her.

Even further up the ranks, Chief Irvin Irving , have a new son, born very prematurely.

He’s also negotiating, as he so often is, a turf war between his own force and the FBI, and this one involves the arson case.

But while the season was being shot, a deal was made for a spinoff, the first ever from an Amazon original series.

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