A Bitcoin Billionaire on When to Sell vs. Hodl and Dogecoin ‘Nihilism’

During a virtual interview at the Ethereal Summit Friday – a few days prior to Elon Musk’s announcement that he was suspending Bitcoin payments for Teslas over energy-use concerns – Novogratz discussed his perspective on the technology, how he ended up with 85 percent of his net worth in crypto, and why he keeps losing out on NFT auctions.

How does that change things from your perspective, and what do you say to people who are concerned about seeing crypto go Wall Street? I spent my last six years literally trying to convince people that this revolution was worthwhile, because it was going to help us rebuild the financial infrastructure of our country to make it more transparent, more egalitarian, more fair, more efficient.

Cut your foot off and grow a new one, right? Because you’re not going to go from where we were to where we could go overnight.

So does he even know the difference? And if consumers trust us, well, what’s the big deal? Until one day we get really drunk and decide to play funny tricks on ’em? You’ve got a lot of blockchains that I call BINOs — blockchains in name only.

You’ve predicted before that bitcoin will hit $100,000 by the end of the year.

But then all of a sudden, you have decentralized finance and NFTs both on Ethereum at the same time roughly, with wild accelerating growth.

I remember talking to you at the end of 2017 and you were saying about 30 percent of your net worth was in bitcoin, ether, and some other cryptos.

Like anybody in crypto, the last five months have kind of rocked our worlds in terms of what percentage of our net worth is in crypto.

People in the space should kiss their boyfriend or kiss their girlfriend and give each other a hug, because it’s fun to have been in the space when this stuff happens.

I want to meet you in the metaverse and maybe we’re having tea in my man cave, and I can pull down the Beeple and we can play each one of the 5,000 individual images that make it up and blow them up and look at them.

But I was thinking, in the future, we’ll wear these AR glasses and I can walk down the street with my Urs egg floating on my shoulder.

The case was over whether the NRA should be allowed to incorporate in Texas instead of New York, where the state is suing in an effort to disband the group.

blog has drawn a considerably smaller audience than his once-powerful social media accounts, according to engagement data compiled with BuzzSumo, a social media analytics company.

The Desk of Donald J.

Trump’s new blog has attracted a little over 212,000 engagements, defined as backlinks and social interactions — including likes, shares and comments — received across Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Reddit.

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