MAS Gold Initiating Work Program at Elizabeth Lake Copper VMS Property Glennie Domain, La Ronge, Saskatchewan

MAS Gold Corp.

“Elizabeth Lake is a tremendous, but until now, somewhat ignored asset in MAS Gold’s portfolio of properties,” announced Jim Engdahl , President and CEO.

The Axiom field crew will re-examine and re-sample select sections from the full set of 1960’s and 1970’s Elizabeth Lake core preserved in the Precambrian Core Library in La Ronge, Saskatchewan .

The Elizabeth Lake deposit is a partly remobilized, largely sediment-hosted copper-zinc-silver±gold volcanic massive sulphide deposit hosted within the same belt of Paleoproterozoic Glennie Domain rocks that host the historical Anglo-Rouyn copper-zinc mine located 23 km to the east.

This historical airborne VTEMplusTM  survey identified several new targets located on the property, however the data was only partially modelled in accordance with current practices.

operates four properties totaling 33, 843 hectares , including the Greywacke Lake, Preview-North, Elizabeth Lake and Henry Lake Properties extending along a total of roughly 60 kilometres of the geologically prospective La Ronge , Kisseynew and Glennie Domains that make up the La Ronge Gold Belt.

Such factors include, among other things: risks and uncertainties relating to MAS Gold’s limited operating history, the need to comply with environmental and governmental regulations, results of exploration programs on their projects and those risks and uncertainties identified in each of their annual and interim financial statements and management discussion and analysis.

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