What do regulators have planned for blockchain developers? The Bitcoin Bridge talks to Ian Lee of …

Although he says he “didn’t have a lot of fans in the early days,” the industry has matured and most participants now realize that oversight is inevitable.

The company has also developed some interesting modeling software to help identify suspicious transactions based on user behavior, and consults with government departments in its native Singapore to educate them on issues affecting blockchain .

The issue near the top of everyone’s mind at the moment, however, is FATF.

Are Asian jurisdictions keeping up with the pace? On the one hand, they may seem stricter than their counterparts in the West, but on the other they remain open-minded and prepared to avoid too-tight regulations that might stifle innovation.

Of particular interest is whether FATF will recommend regulation for software developers—particularly the part-time or small-startup kind that develops only non-custodial software.

Blockchain analytics is a fascinating and growing field, so be sure to watch the whole interview to learn what it’s all about, and what those in power are thinking.

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