Answers to your questions about Ottawa’s real estate market

“With all the changes we have had to endure over the last while and the unusual growth we have seen in the market, even your most experienced home sellers and buyers have questions.

“With the tremendous growth we have seen over the last 20 months or so, it’s only natural to question the sustainability of the increase.

“While this may seem like an obvious answer, with the inventory so low it can be a challenge to find a suitable home so, logically, you should start with that.

In years past, we would normally see a buzz of activity as the weather improved and that would settle down by the end of summer, then gradually slow down as the colder months approached, only to repeat the following year.

For breaches of contract, a party is entitled to financial damages in and around what would put them in the same monetary position they would have been if the contract had been performed.

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