Top lawmaker pushes for no cannabis for off-duty cops – Politico

In a memo sent to law enforcement officials Wednesday, Acting Attorney General Matt Platkin said departments “may not take any adverse action against any officers because they do or do not use cannabis off-duty,” under New Jersey’s cannabis legalization law passed last year.

Joe Cryan have pointed out THC’s detectability in some users’ systems for weeks after consumption can make unclear if an officer is truly under the influence, as well as the New Jersey’s lack of adopted standards for drug testing.

You can send eastern goldfinch photos to We’re here with the latest from Trenton and elsewhere as New Jersey moves ahead in the budget process and the Legislature conducts hearings on Gov.

IT’S STILL FILING SEASON — Tax revenues are strong for March, totaling more than 25 percent above last March, according to the state Treasury Department.

Meanwhile, the Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorization for the first Covid-19 breathalyzer that can provide results in less than three minutes under the oversight of a licensed health care professional.

“Howell Dems file suit to boot two GOP council candidates from ballot,” by New Jersey Globe’s Joey Fox: “Howell Democrats filed suit yesterday to block two Republican candidates for Howell Township Council, Fred Gasior and Susan Fischer, from reaching the June primary ballot after neither submitted enough valid signatures on their nominating petitions.

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