Bitcoin Illuminates Inflation In The Fog

This writing mirrors the exact chronological structure of “Beyond Order,” offering reflection through a Bitcoin lens.

The wealthy who already own assets get richer, the middle-class savers lose purchasing power, and the lower class watch the little they have vanish.

His model forms a mutually beneficial trinity between investors, ranchers and landowners, who serve their own interests but create exponentially more fruit together through the wisdom of low time preference collaboration.

When a better option presents itself with a low barrier to entry, it is your burden to bear if you do not seize that opportunity.

Lay this foundation and you will be able to carefully articulate what you want and do not want.

They complain about the unjust disparity caused by our monetary system and simultaneously plead ignorance to their participation as the accomplice looking for their handout.

The internet never forgets and the writing is on the wall, continue ignoring bitcoin and trusting the bankers on Wall Street at your own peril.

Refusal to add bitcoin to your portfolio to protect your pride is a lie of omission where you are both the actor and the victim.

Kobe Bryant dominated because he knew our generation is “soft like Charmin.” Society is littered with leaders who actively minimize skin in the game while attempting to maximize gains.

“Best to find out what is true — best to disperse the fog — and find out if the sharp objects you feared were lurking there are real or fantastical.

Part of clearing the fog surrounding bitcoin is knowing that owning bitcoin can be dangerous but not owning bitcoin can be deadly.

“We want to know what happened but, more importantly, we want to know why.

An -80% downturn is sufficient to shake out most who simply know “what bitcoin is” as well as “how it works.” Knowing “why bitcoin matters” is the only path to unshakeable conviction capable of HODLing through an -80% downturn.

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