Too much email? Let your bot reply; it may be better than you at it – HT Tech

The technical explanation is that neural networks have been scaled to 540 billion parameters for “breakthrough performance.” The practical effect is that AI is now better at engaging in natural conversation, explaining novel jokes and writing code.

Eventually my bot would answer most of my email directly, though it could hold some aside to ask me whether they merited a personal response.

Of course that is already the case, but in this new world the bot-composed emails will be at least as good as human emails, and at least as good at getting through whatever filters I set up to protect my time and attention.

Is it a real, legally binding offer? Or is it simply a ruse to get me to reveal information about my negotiating strategy? In some cases bots might handle these problems smoothly and present both sides with a final settlement.

So why not let the applicants spend two days together, tape all the proceedings, and let the bots issue ratings? They might even measure who told the most original jokes.

In this new world, skill at writing will count for much less, and personal charisma for much more.

It seems tedious to have to swipe left or right all the time — and besides, do you really trust your own judgment? You could instead let your bot choose for you.

Tinder obscures from you the reality that a candidate might be only a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10, but your bot will not.

Artificial intelligence brings great benefits to a wide variety of tasks, such as detecting payments fraud, improving medical diagnosis and sending rockets into space.

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