Why US is targeting Putin’s daughters Katerina and Maria – Tribune India

“We have reason to believe that Putin, and many of his cronies, and the oligarchs, hide their wealth, hide their assets, with family members that place their assets and their wealth in the U.S.

Sanctions announced Wednesday also include the daughter and wife of Russian foreign affairs minister Sergei Lavrov.

The extent of Putin’s wealth is a sensitive subject in Russia.

officials have described as the personal bank of the Russian elite.” As husband and wife, Kirill and Katerina had corporate holdings worth about $2 billion, according to estimates provided to Reuters by financial analysts.

Putin’s elder daughter Maria studied biology at St.

The Tribune, now published from Chandigarh, started publication on February 2, 1881, in Lahore .

The Tribune, the largest selling English daily in North India, publishes news and views without any bias or prejudice of any kind.

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