Australia’s carbon market in disrepute, attacked from within and without

“Unfortunately, Australia’s carbon market currently suffers from a distinct lack of environmental integrity.

“This is a critical issue.

Among this chorus, thinktank the Australia Institute has also published findings from Freedom of Information documents this week.

The signatories are calling for changes – like the release clause option to be deferred until July 1 so land managers and the wider carbon farming industry can properly prepare.

By putting the voluntary carbon credit market into free fall, Glenday said the minister’s decision had disincentivised new carbon abatement projects.

Last year, for instance, the federal government purchased around 12 million tonnes of carbon abatement.

Part of the issue is that while landholders have contracts with the government, they often only sell some of the resulting ACCUs to it, opting to save a portion to sell on the voluntary market.

Before Taylor announced the changes, ACCUs were worth $50.

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